Case Study on various Problems

Teenage Aggression
Teenage aggression is the hostile and violent behavior of the teens, as a result of various infirmities. It is one of the commonly found problem of the teens during teenage.
Root causes
·         Lack of self-motivation
·         Imitation
·         Misguidance
·         Unable to share problems
·         Lack of self-control
·         Withdrawal from family and friends
·         Parental Pressure

Stage Fright
The certain change that occur in the body as shivering, shaking change of body color when we are in front of the mass or attending programs of huge mass to speak up is known as stage fright.…ah…Ah...Stammering of legs, scratching, turning of the face from the crowd, making a tight fist shows that a person is a victim of stage fright.
Lack of confidence, concentration power, practice of speaking, no participation or involvement in the extra co-curricular activities, bullying, teasing etc. all leads to stage fright.
Effect of the Stage fright
1.       Shaking of hands & legs
2.       Stammering
3.       Lowering down of heads
4.       Scratching
5.       Change of Face color
6.       Lack of felling of certainty
7.       Not sure about what to do next

 E- Craze
·         Obsessively checking e-mail
·         Playing online games for 12 hours or more at a time
·         Placing more value on chat room friends than real friends
·         Neglecting family, work and even personal health

Effects of the problem
·         Withdrawal from friends & family
·         Deviation from academics
·         Deterioration of writing skills
·         Disruption in class
·         Homework having no value since internet has the Google and computers have copy/paste
·         Violent influence from the media

Eleventh Hour Preparation

Eleventh Hour preparation is getting oneself ready for something at the end of time mainly allocated for it. It is not the problem of students but of the whole nation. It has caused the problem to understand what they are doing. It is most common to students during the exams preparation.

Effects of the problem
·         Negative results
·         Depression
·         Isolation
·         Bad Impression
·         Suicide
·         Mental Pressure
·         Negative responses
·         Failure
·         Decrease in confidence level
·         Mass phobia

Causes of the problem
·         Media
·         Environment
·         Habit
·         Society
·         Family problems
·         Bad influences of society
·         Load of assignments
·         Lack of time management
·         Lack of seriousness
·         Lack of proper guidance

Lack of Co-operation

Lack of Co-operation among students is such a condition where the students do not work together in an efficient manner and organized way which is creating negative impact on students themselves as well as school environment.

Root causes
·         Language barrier
·         Family influence
·         Feeling of groupism
·         Proud students.
·         Communal Feeling

Effects of the problems
·         Poor personality
·         Low competitive ability
·         Loss of academic performance
·         Negative impact upon school goodwill
·         Loss of unity among students.

Solution Measures

v  Parents:
Ø  Install good values and morals in child.
Ø  Maintain regular contact with school management
Ø  Should make proper environment at home.
Ø  Should motivate for good company of friends

v  Teachers:
Ø  Spend time during classes to make aware about co-operation
Ø  Encourage discussion through skits, stories & drawings.
Ø  Held frequent parents meeting.
Ø  Create peer counsellors.

v  Students:
Ø  Groupism among themselves must be avoided.
Ø  Must be friendly and co-operative.
Ø  Must be in the companion of good friend's circle.
Ø  Must be discipline and polite to everyone


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