Endangered Species

Those creatures on the earth surface which are in the verge of
extinction are called endangered species. Today, number of plants and
animals are in the verge of extinction.

We know that, plants and animals together play a vital role to balance

all the living systems. One creature is directly or indirectly
depended upon next one. Due to this, we can claim that those creatures
existing in large amount harm those creature which are in little
amount. If a creature is expected to die off completely in less than
20 years without special efforts to protect it, then such creatures
are categorized as endangered species.

Many creatures on the earth surface disappeared due to change in the

earth’s climate during Ice Age. It is sad to say that today’s
creatures are disappearing due to bad human activities. Destruction of
forest, wildlife trade, smuggling of animals, over hunting are the
root causes behind this.
Since, population is increasing day by day, people clear up forest
area into cultivable and settlement area. Similarly, constructional
and developmental works also play a great role in the extinction of
creatures. Next to this is wildlife trade that includes capture of
animals for pets, zoos and research and killing of animals for their
fur or other body parts. This has endangered many species. Many
smugglers kill animals to sell their vital organs. For ex: horn of one
horn rhino is so expensive and has wide importance. So smugglers kill
rhino to get its horn. As a result, rhino has been endangered. Other
animals being endangered include cheetah, snow leopard, etc. even
though we see these animals being protected by law; they are
not being well protected.

Caribbean Manatee, Dugong and many species of peasant are affected

through over hunting. Commercial fishing has harmed a number of sea
birds and mammals and some dolphins. Sheep, Goats, Cattle that
overgraze vegetation has extremely eliminated habitat.

As the extinction of creatures arises, problematic situation is

created to the remaining creatures. There occurs environmental
imbalance. Ecological balance between living creatures could not be
maintained. One is unable to breathe fresh air. They are unable to
drink pure water. They are unable to have happy living. All of them
are forced to live in congested room with lot of crowd. For animals,
grazing area decreases. Different creatures loose fresh environment
which results in facing with the harmful diseases.

These endangered species are slowly reducing in number through certain

laws and conservation program launched. CITES (International
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) has protected
many wildlife species. It bands the trade of furs of endangered
species and also bands import and export of vital organs of these
species. This agreement was signed by more than 50 nations. Its main
aim was to control wildlife and wildlife products.

It is must important to join hand in hand in order to protect these

endangered species and to maintain balance in between all the living


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